Why purelements®?

our philosophy

We are aware of our responsibility as Canyoning operator and providers of outdoor and adventure activities. That is why we ensure the highest possible level of safety on all of our tours and events. For your safety, we have developed clear standards that we adhere to. These include: well-trained professional guides, detailed tour planning, training and instruction, top equipment, a maximum number of participants per guide, first aid equipment, insurance.

As a Swiss company, we have so far been certified according to the guidelines of “Safety in Adventures”, when the next re-certification is due, this will be transferred to the ISO 21101 – adventure tourism standard and represents a further step forward.

You can find more details about safety in the safety concept with the canyoning safety standards.

We respect nature and are enthusiastic about the multitude of possibilities that nature offers us. We are convinced that the actual experience only takes place if you immerse yourself completely and give time and attention to the special moments.

We want you to experience the fascination of canyoning. For this reason, we offer you an experience-oriented canyoning adventure in which we focus on you and your wishes. We take our time for you and your group . We see time as an essential prerequisite for pure experience. Because only those who experience without time pressure can enjoy and absorb and save the impressions. That way, you will remember and preserve yourCanyoning experience and all other outdoor activities for much longer.

Because of our philosophy and our quality standards, that put you in the focus, we try to make your wishes come true! Unfortunately, there are general conditions, such as weather, water levels or official restrictions, over which we also have no influence.

We will discuss this with you openly and together we will look for solutions to fulfill your wishes and your canyoning or outdoor tour.

Gorges change …

Security doesn’t mean boredom! In our gorges in Ticino you can have a lot of fun without having to take a big risk! In addition, our guides are always in a good mood because we keep their motivation high by giving them enough days off and a varied job!

Our unique selling points

The purelements® canyoning team is working for you! The canyoning guides are not forced to work quickly and rush you to lead even more tours. They work without time pressure and adapt to your speed, your wishes and needs and the weather conditions. Our planned tour times are generously planned.

For us as Canyoning operator this is honestly important! Pick your tour now.

We’ll go with you in Ticino gorges and canyons that inspire us too. We think: Canyoning as an outdoor sport offers, depending on how you do it, many beautiful moments in nature and exciting, exciting facets of action. It’s not just an action sport for us, it’s a nature experience and the action is automatically included. It is not necessary to provide “pseudo-action” in the canyon with additional built-in steel ropes, extra springboards or complex additional activities. We’ll take you to canyoning, just like we do when we’re on the move privately. The way it really is! Simply authentic!

The purelements team in Ticino consists of young, motivated, friendly and always in a good mood! A good relationship between employees and with our customers is essential! We consider ourselves a small family with the same passions and visions! We look forward to sharing our passions with you!

Thanks to our cross-border corporate structure, international guides and a worldwide network, we are always up-to-date, can fall back on a wealth of knowledge and experience and are allowed to work with guides who have already led in many canyoning regions of the world. An invaluable asset to us.

Our partners

Our satisfied customers