Company canyoning

Group canyoning as a joint activity on a company excursion

It often takes months from the first idea for the company excursion to getting tips for the company event and the implementation. The Swiss Ticino in particular offers excellent opportunities to organize an outdoor company event. Canyoning in Ticino is a must and can be flexibly tailored to your needs as a company excursion.

Canyoning means implementing an idea from a company excursion that combines lots of fun and action with team building. Team spirit is always required when climbing, jumping and sliding; and through the joint action and experience during the company canyoning, a group dynamic is created that is characterized by the joy of the joint effort. The outstanding nature experience in the gorges also strengthens the team spirit beyond the moment, because you will fondly remember this extraordinary company excursion for a long time.

Magical Val di Vira, an almost untouched piece of nature near Corippo or rushing waterfalls in the Boggera Gorge: Led by our experienced canyoning guides, you not only conquer nature at the team event canyoning by purelements®, you also strengthen your self-confidence and the group cohesion. Because it depends on each individual. And because the company outing is organized in such a way that each participant can decide for themselves what they dare to do.

If there has been a lack of ideas for company outings in Switzerland, which reunite long-standing employees and make it easier for new employees to settle into the team, canyoning as an outdoor event for groups is one of the best tips you will receive.

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Company event team building: Individually plan and book canyoning as an extraordinary company outing

You can also plan the tour specially organized for you as a one-day event or as a company outing lasting several days. We would be happy to give you further tips for the company event, for example how canyoning in Ticino can be varied with other cool or relaxing activities, so that everyone can talk and act with each other.

A prerequisite for canyoning as a group event is that the participants are sufficiently mobile. But you don't have to be a sports star - you can also book the extraordinary company excursion as a rather soft try-out.

Try-out canyoning in Val di Vira, for example, is primarily about combining the joy of nature with a high level of experience and low levels of difficulty. So everyone can keep up with the cool company event without the whole thing mutating into the usual run-of-the-mill event.

A company excursion to and through the Corippo Gorge differs from the standard group event because you can slide, jump and abseil to your heart's content - the gorge is challenging for canyoning beginners, but easy to master. The outdoor event for companies in the Boggera Canyon is particularly versatile and also offers a number of challenges for the particularly sporty team members.

However, team building does not just mean expanding your own limits at events on company excursions in and with the group. Team building also means recognizing that everyone is good at something different. The collegial recognition of individual limits also creates trust and promotes team spirit.

And if someone wants to take part in the company outing but not canyoning, that's okay too. Because before, during and after canyoning, there are always opportunities in Ticino to bring all participants together for extraordinary activities.