Florian, born and raised in Ticino, is one of the few local canyoning guides who has turned his hobby into a profession!
He has always lived in the mountains and developed a keen interest in nature and outdoor sports at a young age.
When he did canyoning for the first time, he knew immediately that he wanted to do this sport as often as possible. During his studies at the tourism school, he realized that his future would lie in running an outdoor company.
His first job in this area was as a photographer in the canyons and very quickly, as he gained more and more experience, after his training as an SOA guide and a few years as a guide, he had the opportunity to become managing director of purelements CH Sagl.
Seeing the enthusiastic and satisfied customers gives him a lot of satisfaction and motivates him again and again to give 100% throughout the season.
He has been a board member for canyoning in the Swiss Outdoor Association (SOA) since 2023.
In addition to canyoning, Florian loves climbing, kayaking, mountain biking and turbo siesta!
Discover yourself!