Last Minute Offers

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  • Meeting point received by email
  • Go on a great last minute canyoning tour.
  • Only bookable in the period shown
  • The discounted tickets can only be redeemed for a specific date, after which there is no longer any entitlement to a seat
  • If there are no more seats available for the date between booking the ticket and redeeming it, the entitlement to the discounted ticket will expire and it will be refunded – a normal booking can be made.
  • No legal entitlement to discounted tickets.

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Slide 1
> Buche jetzt unsere beste Einsteiger Tour!

Unser Highlight: Canyoning basic in Corippo, Verzascatal!

Video 1

Spring mit uns in die Canyoning Welt!

Video 2

Entdecke den Ticino Fluss aus einem Kanu!

Slide 1
> Buche jetzt Dein Canyoning Erlebnis im Tessin!

Die besten Canyoning Touren vom Tessin!


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Canyoning basic Corippo, Verzasca valley
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